February 25, 2023 - Agile Nepal Conference

9.00am - 10.00am
Registration, Networking and Tea/Coffee
10.00am - 10.15pm
10.15am - 10.50am
Keynote Speech
Zaffar Naik
10.50am - 11.25am
Session 1
Emotional Intelligence and its Importance in Agile
Avashana Poudyal
11.25am - 12.00pm
Session 2
eXtreme Programming - let's make software development great again
Mizanur Rahman
12.00pm - 1.00pm
1.00pm - 1.35pm
Session 3
Demystifying Definition of Done - A reality Check
Ajay Kavra
1.35pm - 2.10pm
Session 4
Challenges in Introducing Agile to an Un-Agile Place
Bishal Vaidya
2.10pm - 2.30pm
Session 4
Fire Chat
Janki Joshi, Ravi Bhattarai
2.30pm - 2.45pm
Session 5
Fire Chat
Raunak Maskey, Milee Shrestha
2.45pm - 3.15pm
Session 6
Lightning Talks
Abhigya Pokharel, Prakash Aryal, Saurabh Kharel
3.15pm - 4.00pm​
Tea Coffee & Networking Break
4.00pm - 4.35pm
Session 7
Shape up your Agility
Kshitiz Maskey
4.35pm - 5.10pm
Session 8
The story of how I brought agile practices in the government
Kailash Badu
5.10pm - 5.35pm
5.35pm - 6.00pm
Session 10
Closing Keynote
Vivek Rana
6.00 pm onwards
Dinner + Networking